Community Groups

50+ Club

The 50+ club is a friendship group for patients registered at this practice.

We would like you to come along if you are 50+ and a patient registered at Tower Hill Medical Centre for a chat, a coffee (or tea!) and biscuits.  We meet every fortnight on a Wednesday 10:30-12:30 to find out the date of the next meeting please call the practice or pop in and check the 50+ display.

There will be games, quizzes, entertainment (not compulsory) and refreshments.  No need to book just come along, we just ask for a small voluntary contribution for the running of the group.

Health Exchange

Health Exchange was formed in Birmingham in 2006 with the aim of creating a dialogue with the community about health and wellbeing.


Birmingham Connect to Support

An online information and advice guide, community directory and marketplace for citizens of Birmingham.



A local source of a wide range of NHS and charitable services.


Meetups in Birmingham

Meetup groups you can find near Birmingham.



Anawim exists to support women and their children, especially women vulnerable to exploitation including prostitution.

Telephone: 0121 440 5296

